Dear friends and family,
This has been another week of change, with the new PRS Directors, the Abneys, coming to the site and the Walkers going home. As Elder Walker and I were talking this week he said, "All good things come to a... change." Haha. And it's true. Change is just a part of God's plan! We are grateful for all the good times we've had with the Walkers -- all the laughs and fun memories -- but we are especially thankful for how our testimonies of the restored gospel have been strengthened as we've learned from each other.
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All together from L-R: The Richardsons, Sis. Young, Sis. Welker, Sis. Anderson, the Walkers, Sis. Agado, Sis. Larsen, Sis. Vergara, the VanOrdens, the Abneys |
We had a great lesson yesterday with Tiffany and her two teenaged kids, Eddie and Amanda. A young couple from our branch was also able to come with us, which was such a blessing because the things they said were exactly what Tiffany, Eddie and Amanda needed to hear. We got to know them a little bit more, and Tiffany has a strong belief in God and Christ and wants her children to feel the same way. She is a superstar mom, and was basically helping us teach as we talked to her kids! Eddie and Amanda are at that stage in life where they want to believe in God and Jesus Christ, but aren't sure they are really there, so we are trying to help them with their doubts. But I love in Alma the scripture in chapter 32, "But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words." I know that this desire that Eddie and Amanda have is enough to fuel their faith, and that it can and will grow as they continue to learn and act with open hearts. Tiffany is very receptive and told us (without us even asking!) she wanted to come to church next week with her kids and then meet with us afterwards and check out the visitor center too... I just wish everyone was as excited about the gospel as her! They are an amazing family!
The Walkers are officially on the road back to Wyoming today! We had a great training meeting with them on Tuesday, and read Oliver Cowdery's experience which is recorded at the end of Joseph Smith's history, and had a farewell testimony meeting. The Walkers also took me on my "final tour," that they take all of the departing sisters on before they leave. But rather than a regular tour, it's more like a walk down memory lane where we talk about our favorite experiences in each room of the homes. I am incredibly grateful to have served so long in such a sacred place.
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The PRS Sisters with the Walkers |
Yesterday Elder and Sister Abney arrived, met with the Walkers for a few hours, and then we had one last PRS family dinner with the Walkers. But then it came time for hugs and "see you laters". As they were driving away we stood in the parking lot and waved them goodbye until we couldn't see them anymore, just like we did all through the summer when the bus tours would leave. It's been hard to see the Walkers go; they really have become family and loved me enough to help me grow, but the Abneys are just as equally prepared to be here. They are similar to the Walkers in a lot of ways, and it's amazing to me how Heavenly Father calls exactly who is needed here and the work just continues on! I am so excited for the Abneys and all the amazing experiences that lie ahead of them!!
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Hello, Elder and Sister Abney! |
I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father and His plan for each us. Nearly everyday I get to tell people about how Heavenly Father was so good in placing those involved in the restoration exactly where they needed to be, with the people they needed to be with, at the time they needed to be there. But He continues to do the same for us today! He loves us and wants the best for us, so as we were are obedient to Him and put our trust in Him, He helps us be where we need to be. Hurrah for Israel!
Sister Larsen
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