Tuesday, October 18, 2016

It's Autumn Time! It's Autumn time, the leaves are falling down!

Dear friends and family,
On the trail 🍂🍁🌰
Susquehanna is SO BEAUTIFUL. I don't even know how to describe it. Everything is perfect, the trees and the weather! I love walking by the homes and imagining that the view I see is the same one Emma Smith saw when she was here. I love it so much!

Fall on the Susquehanna
Yesterday Brother Mark Staker came to the site with a tour group. He is the site curator and man who wrote most of our site guide we study from. Elder Walker and I got to join his tour group. He talked about a lot of interesting things, lots of historical background. He told a neat little story about how the feather quill on the translation table in the Smith Home ended up there. He was bringing lots of artifacts into the homes but was struggling with finding the right kind of feather that would hold up, wasn't terribly overpriced, looked right etc. and it needed to be a turkey feather. One morning as he was bringing items into the house and was going to put a feather quill in the house he wasn't happy with but as he walked up to the house, laying right there on the front steps was a perfect turkey feather he could use for a quill! A little tender mercy! 

We've taken so many tours in the past week, Sister Anderson and I have been lucky if to take just one one together before we have so many guests we need to split companionships. But one of the tours we were able to give was with two cute sisters and their families. One of the little girls had mental disabilities but held Sister Anderson's hand through the tour and kept showing me the flower she had picked on the site. When they were leaving she ran up to us and gave us hugs and was waving and blowing kisses all the way through the parking lot as her family walked to the car. It was just one of those moments where your heart swells and you can't help but feel so happy, and you know that Heavenly Father really does love each and every one of his children. 

14 months with Sis. Anderson!
There is a new video series on the Mormon Channel called "Hope Works." (Go watch it! https://www.mormonchannel.org/watch/series/hope-works) In one of the videos a woman talked about an equation that I love! This woman said we tend to think that "Me + More = Christlike," but that is Satan's greatest lie. He wants us to become discouraged by our faults and weaknesses, so that we feel we can't ever truly become Christlike. She goes on to explain that the equation really should go this way, "Me + Christ = More, and even enough." Because of Christ we can be more patient, more humble, more happy, more whatever despite our inadequacies, faults or weaknesses. If we rely on Christ we can even be enough. 

Because of Christ we can find hope, love and peace and know that we have a Heavenly Father who is so aware of us. We can find happiness now and share what we know! Hurrah for Israel!

Sister Larsen
Most of the sisters, district leaders, and zone leaders
The Scranton Zone!  The Electric Zone!

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