Dear friends and family,
Another beautiful week here in Susquehanna, and I was able to meet more amazing people! That's something I absolutely love about being here, is hearing so many people's stories and how the restored gospel has blessed them. I realize just how amazing Heavenly Father's plan is for each and every one of us.
On Thursday we had our district meeting and we were talking about how the Bible and Book of Mormon complete each other and work together to testify of Jesus Christ. After district meeting Sister Walker and I went to make confirmation calls for people who request a Book of Mormon or Bible through I called a very sweet lady in Florida who had requested a copy of the Bible, and confirmed that we had the correct contact information to pass along to her local missionaries so they could deliver her Bible. I asked her if she would also like a copy of the Book of Mormon, and she said she’d never heard of it before. I explained that it is another book of ancient scripture we study from that testifies of Jesus Christ just like the Bible, and it also help clarify and add to the teachings we find in the Bible. She said that she wanted a copy because there were certain things in the Bible she doesn't quite understand and another book of scripture to help her further deepen her already existing faith is what she would love. So within just a few days missionaries will be meeting with her and sharing a Bible as well as the Book of Mormon with her.
Sister Walker and I went on a tour with a husband and wife, and the wife's mother. The husband had had 2 strokes in the past year leaving him with the right side of his body paralyzed and very limited speech. The wife currently has cancer and is going through cancer treatments. And the wife's elderly mother was a World War II nurse, so she was a tough little lady, and has terrible arthritis, and she is also not a member. The wife was so cute and happy and jokingly said, "Yeah, we're quite the trio!" This couple has been taking her mother to church and visitor centers for years, and the mother has missionaries over for dinner regularly, she just hasn't committed to becoming a member. But the couple knows she will develop her own testimony and have the desire to be baptized someday, but in the meantime they continue to bear testimony and give her experiences that will help her feel the Spirit. They keep in mind an eternal perspective, knowing this life is just a small piece of the picture, and trusting that their Heavenly Father will help them with their struggles and desires to do good.
Another beautiful week here in Susquehanna, and I was able to meet more amazing people! That's something I absolutely love about being here, is hearing so many people's stories and how the restored gospel has blessed them. I realize just how amazing Heavenly Father's plan is for each and every one of us.
On Thursday we had our district meeting and we were talking about how the Bible and Book of Mormon complete each other and work together to testify of Jesus Christ. After district meeting Sister Walker and I went to make confirmation calls for people who request a Book of Mormon or Bible through I called a very sweet lady in Florida who had requested a copy of the Bible, and confirmed that we had the correct contact information to pass along to her local missionaries so they could deliver her Bible. I asked her if she would also like a copy of the Book of Mormon, and she said she’d never heard of it before. I explained that it is another book of ancient scripture we study from that testifies of Jesus Christ just like the Bible, and it also help clarify and add to the teachings we find in the Bible. She said that she wanted a copy because there were certain things in the Bible she doesn't quite understand and another book of scripture to help her further deepen her already existing faith is what she would love. So within just a few days missionaries will be meeting with her and sharing a Bible as well as the Book of Mormon with her.
Sister Walker and I went on a tour with a husband and wife, and the wife's mother. The husband had had 2 strokes in the past year leaving him with the right side of his body paralyzed and very limited speech. The wife currently has cancer and is going through cancer treatments. And the wife's elderly mother was a World War II nurse, so she was a tough little lady, and has terrible arthritis, and she is also not a member. The wife was so cute and happy and jokingly said, "Yeah, we're quite the trio!" This couple has been taking her mother to church and visitor centers for years, and the mother has missionaries over for dinner regularly, she just hasn't committed to becoming a member. But the couple knows she will develop her own testimony and have the desire to be baptized someday, but in the meantime they continue to bear testimony and give her experiences that will help her feel the Spirit. They keep in mind an eternal perspective, knowing this life is just a small piece of the picture, and trusting that their Heavenly Father will help them with their struggles and desires to do good.
There was another tour I took this week with a man from Italy and his family. As I told the story of Emma's childhood experience with prayer, and how she prayed that her father's heart would be open to religion, he had tears in his eyes. He said that like Emma he would attend church with his mother and siblings, but his father didn't want anything to do with the Mormon religion. When he was a little boy he was caught praying aloud by his father, and he had been praying specifically that his father would come to church with their family. He told his dad that the things he was saying were the things of his heart. After that, his father began to be softened towards their activity in the church. A few years later, his father was among the first to be baptized in Italy and has been a faithful member ever since.
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is for all people, all over the world living in any circumstance. Many are prepared or are being prepared to receive it right now! I love a promise given in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, "As you [act on the gospel of Jesus Christ], the Lord will make much more out of your life than you can by yourself. He will increase your opportunities, expand your vision, and strengthen you. He will give you the help you need to meet your trials and challenges. You will gain a stronger testimony and find true joy as you come to know your Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, and feel Their love for you.” Look unto Christ, act on His teachings, and blessings will come!
Sister Larsen
Pics from this week:
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Emma's garden continues to grow! |
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Playing with our garden food... |
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Tell me this little guy isn't just the cutest!?! |
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Racing Elder VanOrden on the Jazzy (we won!) |
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Happy little guy who gets to hop on sacred ground! |
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