friends and family,
I really want to start by saying, "What another great week at the site!" But when is it not another great week at the site?? Anyways, it was a good one! It's beginning to look like spring up here, with little green leaves starting to poke out on the trees, and flowers are beginning to pick their little heads up!
I really want to start by saying, "What another great week at the site!" But when is it not another great week at the site?? Anyways, it was a good one! It's beginning to look like spring up here, with little green leaves starting to poke out on the trees, and flowers are beginning to pick their little heads up!
"Some surprise tulips popped up in front of our house... so cute!" |
Home Sweet Home |
It's a typical routine up here, no crazy big tour groups or general authorities
this week, but the tours are beginning to come in fairly frequently now.
I'd say we're averaging 2 tours a day per companionship, and the online
stuff is still keeping us busy! But here's an awesome miracle story from
this week...
Sister Brown, who is now one of the half-time proselyting sisters in Susquehanna, was going through their phone calling previous investigators. She happened to call Sandy at the exact moment she and her husband were driving on 171 by the site, so her husband slammed on the brakes, said they could come in to take a tour and turned into our parking lot. The Susquehanna sisters gave Sandy and her husband a tour and they loved it!
Sister Brown, who is now one of the half-time proselyting sisters in Susquehanna, was going through their phone calling previous investigators. She happened to call Sandy at the exact moment she and her husband were driving on 171 by the site, so her husband slammed on the brakes, said they could come in to take a tour and turned into our parking lot. The Susquehanna sisters gave Sandy and her husband a tour and they loved it!
On Sunday, Sandy and her two boys, Travis and TJ came to church and stayed the whole three hours!!! After church Sandy wanted the boys to go on the full tour she had a few days prior, and the part time sisters were going to a lesson so they asked if Sister Francis and I could take the three of them on a tour. I was so excited!! The boys absolutely loved it and everything they were learning. They still remembered who Joseph Smith was and what he did, and where their copies of the Book of Mormon were at home, and they were asking questions and giving answers... Happy missionary heart!! Down in the Smith home where 70% of the Book of Mormon was translated we were able to recommit them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and begin taking the lessons with the sisters again... And they are back on board!
This site was a place where miracles happened, and still is a place where miracles happen! I know that the things that happened here really did happen, and that the Book of Mormon was written for us and our day. The priesthood is a sacred gift from our Heavenly Father that allows us the blessings of eternity. His plan is one of lasting happiness and that's what people can come to understand when they come to this site.
One of my all time favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon (thanks to the ah-mazing video shown here) talks about our happiness. Mosiah 2:41 says, "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."
Be HAPPY. Be HOPEFUL. Be BELIEVING. Have a wonderful week everyone. Hurrah for Israel!
Sister Larsen
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"A picture of Stephanie from West Philadelphia on her baptism day with Sis. Kartchner, her friend who introduced her to the gospel, and Sis. K's new companion." |