What a week!! Just so everyone knows, we are all safe and sound here in Susquehanna... not even a flurry of snow up here! So while the rest of our mission was "grounded" we got permission from President to keep on working :) I've decided I must bring a little AZ sunshine with me wherever I go because last winter at BYU-Idaho they had the most mild winter they've had in years, and here we've completely avoided one of the biggest storms on the east coast! And this week we had an amazing miracle happen!
About a week and a half ago we were out finding late at night, it was about 8:45, we had gone through all of our back ups, and were in our truck thinking of who we could go see or where we could find someone outside, when a very tall man walking his dog passed our truck. And when I say tall, I mean taller-than-Sister-Robison-tall, which is tall!! But the street we were on was not the most inviting street to walk down late at night, and the man we were watching was just about to go around he corner... But we felt like we needed to talk to him so we got out of the truck and literally started chasing this guy down, half-running and half-walking to catch him! We kind of started to yell at him, "Excuse me, ummm excuse me, sir!," until he turned around and pulled his earbuds out. We tried to talk to him, but his dog was barking nonstop and the neighbors whose house we were standing in front of kept angrily looking out their windows at us. He could barely hear us, the neighbors were mad, and the dog was not giving up anytime soon, so we left him with a Mormon.org card and he managed to tell us his name was Tim and where he lived over the barking, and then we went home. To say the least, it was not the "8:45 Miracle," we were hoping for. (Note: What is an "8:45 Miracle"? It's basically when you've worked as hard as you can all day without any success, but trusting in God with a positive attitude and without giving up. It's when you choose to keep going, to knock on one more door, and to resist the temptation to head home 5 minutes early at night that God sometimes blesses you with miracles.)
One night we were out finding again at 8:45, and decided to go to Main Street which we never do because nobody is ever out, but we went anyway. We saw one man going to his car, so we approached him and started talking to him, but he really wasn't interested. Again, not anything exciting. Then we had exchanges, which everyone knows bring miracles, so I stayed here in Susquehanna and Sister Jolley from Tuncannock came with me for the day. Our appointments had fallen through, but we were by Tim's house, so I figured we might as well try his house again since we were there. Miracle #1: We knocked on the door and he was home!! He said he had been reading up online and had some questions, so we set up a time for him to come meet us at the Priesthood Restoration Site for a tour to show him around and answer his questions.
The next day when Sister Robison and I were at the site, Miracle #2: Tim actually came in!! He said he wanted the full tour, so we gave him some background and went into the video where there are scenes of Book of Mormon translation and John the Baptist and Peter, James and John appearing and conferring the priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Needless to say it can be "very different" for lots of nonmembers because it's new information. After the film was over we asked him if he had any questions, but he just sat there and said, "Well, that's the weird thing, I don't. It makes sense." Miracle #3: Then we saw the bust (statue) of Christ and he started talking about having to have faith in Jesus Christ and the need to be humble before we could even say anything! Miracle #4: He is just like an investigator they talk about in Preach My Gospel, it's crazy! (FYI, Preach My Gospel is a missionary training manual that teaches missionaries to teach the way that the Savior did when He was on the earth.) Walking between the homes he started talking about how he has a hunger for truth and is "trying to fill an emptiness he feels." And boy do we have something to fill him up!! Miracle #5: In the Smith home we were talking about Joseph and he asked, "So does this mean that there is a prophet today?"... Yes!! Miracle #6: He accepted a Book of Mormon and read Moroni 10:3-5 with us, and said he would take Moroni's challenge to read and pray to know if it is true! Miracle #7: We walked through the grove where the priesthood was restored and he was asking about temples and priesthood power and loves the idea of eternal families and that sealings give people the desire to work through relationships because they last so much longer than just this life. Miracle #8: Back at the church we showed him the baptismal font, and he said if he were baptized he would like to do so in the river and the more we talked he started saying he can stand up to cold water pretty good so... :) We talked about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and baptism, and he understands that this is a lifelong commitment and wants to take it seriously. He accepted our invitation to be baptized and we are all praying about a date now!! Miracle #9: He recognizes the Spirit and associates the feelings he had at the site with previous strong spiritual experiences he has had, without us having to point it out! He told us he had been thinking about going back to a church when we found him walking his dog (and yes, he could hear us running with his earbuds in haha). Then he saw us again when we were talking to that man on Main Street and figured if there were such a thing as signs, seeing the same two sisters must mean God was trying to tell him something. Miracle #10: He asked about the age limit to serve a mission, and he's still young enough! I love missionary work!! Miracle #11: It was time to close the site so he left, and Sister Robison, the Richardsons and I were all on the verge of tears because this young man was so excited about the gospel. Then we heard at knock at the door... It was Tim! He said he had 2 questions: if he needed to shave his beard for church (and he was willing to do that!) and what our stance was on "hot drinks," a.k.a. the Word of Wisdom. So we explained to him what we do not partake of and we do that because we are blessed both physically and spiritually. He said, "I smoke sometimes, but I don't need that anymore!" And holding a Book of Mormon and waving at the church building he said, "I need this!!" Wow. Wow. Wow. We were blown away by his enthusiasm and acceptance of the gospel!! And I'm smiling ear to ear just typing this up! :)
The Lord works in mysterious ways, and people are being prepared all the time through little experiences here and there, but we only see miracles come about when we have faith. And faith requires action! Sometimes the Lord requires us to take that leap of faith before we know where we are landing, but if we remain obedient, humble and trying to do all we can to follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, our faith can carry us through the good times and the not-so-good times. I'm am so happy to be serving here in Susquehanna and for all the miracles that are ahead! Hurrah for Israel!!
Love, Sister Larsen
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At a missionary meeting |