It is fall time in the Susquehanna valley and I am in LOVE. Half the trees have turned their fall colors. The mountains look like God is holding a paintbrush with yellow, orange and red on it, deciding on whether to paint the whole mountain with new colors or not, while the paint on his brush drips off and sets on a patch of trees. It is beautiful! Fall is a time for new beginnings, not like spring, but the leaves change and fall in order for a new season to begin. I feel this week like I have turned a new leaf in my own mission (no pun intended haha)!
I have taken so many different people from all over the world and many people with unique circumstances on tours at the Priesthood Restoration Site--Quite a few groups from Australia, Ireland, a deaf couple, just to name a few. And while everyone I meet is so different, one thing is always the same, and that is my small understanding of God's love for his children. I loved in the General Women's Conference this past Saturday how one woman described her friend saying, "She didn't have to get to know me to love me. She just loved me." How similar to our Savior, Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father does that sound? Their love for us is INFINITE and PERFECT, and that feeling is what I hope people get when we talk to them in their homes, on the streets or at the PRS.
When you truly put your heart into your work, and have true interest in listening to people, they open up to you. The Priesthood Restoration Site is so much more than a guided tour where you hear stories about Joseph Smith (while that is still so, so important) but it is a place where we help people understand how the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the priesthood and Book of Mormon, can help them as they continue to write their own life's journey.
In Doctrine and Covenants 18:10, 15-16 we read about the joy that will come when we bring one of God's children close unto him, and how great it will be. I had always read this scripture thinking, "Wow, it will be so awesome when I can be a missionary and help someone change in order to help them come unto our Savior." But for some reason this week I read this scripture with new eyes. These verses talk about how great our joy will be when we bring one soul unto Christ, and how much
greater it will be when we bring many unto him, but I think that "one soul" is me-- you and me. The greatest conversion I will experience on my mission is my own. All that is asked of us is that we put our heart, might, mind and strength into bringing ourselves closer to Christ.
Yesterday we went to zone conference, and it was so good! A recharge to my spiritual batteries!! President Anderson spoke to us and talked about fleas. Cool, huh? So fleas are actually quite talented. They can jump super, super high and far. If you catch fleas and put them in a jar with no lid overnight, when you wake up they won't be there anymore because they have jumped straight out of the jar even though the walls are hundreds of times its size. But if you put fleas in a jar covered with a lid overnight, they may bonk their little heads on the ceiling trying to jump out, but then learn to jump only so high as to not hit the jar of the lid. We are like fleas. We have the potential to jump higher and farther than what one would expect from us, but sometimes we put a lid on ourselves and we begin to jump only as high as is comfortable. President told that now is the time to take off the lid, and shoot for higher goals, stretch our legs and take a leap of faith. I loved in the General Women's Conference how President Utchdorf said, "As you skip down your own bright blue path of life, do
so with faith in every footstep, hope in your eyes, and a love of all men... Move forward with a spring in your step, onwards and upwards!"
So my challenge to each of you this week is to prepare and write down questions to take to General Conference this weekend that will help you move closer to Christ. We each have the potential to do great things, and the greatest thing we can do is become more converted to the Lord and recognize the good in all people. How will General Conference change you? Listen to the spirit with a willing heart, recognize your potential, don't cap yourself, and prepare for miracles because they will come! Hurrah for Israel, and happy Conference watching!
Sister Larsen